Interrior shot of the C-46 cockpit. Notice that the co-pilot's window is clear and the pilot's window is overgrown with growth. |
A view of the plane from the front. Notice that the wings and tail have been removed. |
Here's Hal Parker getting some photos! |
Hal Parker and Linda Fluke on the safety stop. Linda has a digital camera and reviews her photos while hanging out at 15 feet. I have to wait a month for my slides to be developed! |
Here's a view looking through the door in the cockpit and into the cargo hold towards the tail of the plane. |
Looking out through the cargo door on the port side of the plane towards the tail. |
A shot from above. |
This shot shows some nice soft coral growing on the cargo door that is on the port side of the plane towards the tail. |
Just a slightly differnet view of the soft coral on the cargo door. |
Another view from above. You can see the cargo door and the tail where the vertical stabilizer has been removed. |
Looking that the nose of the plane we see the co-pilot's windscreen is cleared off. I wonder who scrapped this clenan and why. |
Here's one of the truck chassis that you'll find between here and the B-25. |