Latitude | Longitude | ||||
Degrees | Minutes | Seconds | Degrees | Minutes | Seconds |
8 | 43 | 54.060 | 167 | 43 | 16.080 |
8 | 43.90100 | --------- | 167 | 43.26800 | --------- |
8.73168 | --------- | --------- | 167.72113 | --------- | --------- |
This is just a typical LCM. It lies upright in about 50-60 feet of water facing roughly SE.. The engines are pretty well exposed. To be honest, there was a pile of Coke bottles along the starboard side that caught my attention a little more than the wreck, so I didn'y spend a lot of time on the wreck.
From: Curry/Zurick LCM | ||
Attraction | Distance (feet) | Bearing (deg mag) |
GBR Coral Head | 484 | 210 |
Bishop Upright | 728 | 131 |
GBR Rubble Wreck #2 | 535 | 160 |
Hamel Side | 519 | 342 |
Funky Barge | 313 | 9 |
Bishop Inverted | 717 | 134 |