Latitude | Longitude | ||||
Degrees | Minutes | Seconds | Degrees | Minutes | Seconds |
8 | 44 | 6.780 | 167 | 44 | 2.880 |
8 | 44.11300 | --------- | 167 | 44.04800 | --------- |
8.73521 | --------- | --------- | 167.73413 | --------- | --------- |
Note: Special thanks go to Ivy Springer and Doug Curry for taking me out, showing me this wreck and helping me mark it with GPS. Thanks guys!
From: Ski Area Rubble #1 | ||
Attraction | Distance (feet) | Bearing (deg mag) |
Ski Area Steps | 727 | 39 |
Ski Area LCM | 585 | 95 |
Ski Area Wreck | 628 | 1 |