Latitude | Longitude | ||||
Degrees | Minutes | Seconds | Degrees | Minutes | Seconds |
8 | 46 | 39.600 | 167 | 44 | .600 |
8 | 46.66000 | --------- | 167 | 44.01000 | --------- |
8.77766 | --------- | --------- | 167.73350 | --------- | --------- |
As a side note, I had some concern about the accuracy of this waypoint, but on 2/17/2007 (Stateside date) Bob Hamel and Tim Hall dropped a weight with an attached float at the coordinates listed and dove the wreck while Scott Phillips served as boat watch. They tell me that the weight that they dropped was within 20 feet of the wreck, so I'd say that the waypoint is good!