Latitude | Longitude | ||||
Degrees | Minutes | Seconds | Degrees | Minutes | Seconds |
8 | 46 | 35.340 | 167 | 43 | 33.900 |
8 | 46.58900 | --------- | 167 | 43.56500 | --------- |
8.77648 | --------- | --------- | 167.72608 | --------- | --------- |
This boat is a fair sized (maybe 100' fishing boat. It has a couple holds forward that appear to have been refrigerated. As of 7/2003 there is a nice anemone right on the stern rail. Schools of batfish have been seen there frequently.
UPDATE (1/8/2006): Today we (Bob Burt, Bob Hamel, Jim Bishop and Dave Fortin) installed a sub-surfce buoy on the wreck. The sub-surface buoy is at 20 feet and the coordinates for this wrecks were slightly adjusted to better reflect the actual position of the buoy.
From: Millar Maru | ||
Attraction | Distance (feet) | Bearing (deg mag) |
Jake #2 | 636 | 353 |