Gugeegue LCM

Local Name:

Gugeegue LCM


This wreck runs from about 15-20 feet.


We were anchored directly in from Gugeegue Rubble Wreck #1, dove that wreck and then had plenty of time to swim to the north to look for this wreck. There's no real trick to anchoring in this area. Just find a suitable place nearby and set your anchors as you would anywhere else. Personally, I'd just anchor nearby and check with the GPS to see roughly where the LCM is before rolling in. It shouldn't be too hard to find.


Latitude Longitude
Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds
8 50 43.380 167 44 22.620
8 50.72300 --------- 167 44.37700 ---------
8.84538 --------- --------- 167.73961 --------- ---------


Scott Johnson told me about this one. He knows I am trying to document as many of the wrecks that we know of, so even little rubble wrecks are of interest to me for this project. We dove Gugeegue Rubble Wreck #1 first and then poked around north of the wreck and up in the shallow until we stumbled across this wreck. There really isn't much here of any interest.


As you can see, this wreck is pretty trashed. There isn't much left!
Another view of the hull.
Here's a view of the ramp. You can see the coral is pretty much taking over
Yet another shot of the decaying hull, but this is also one of the few photos with Rocky in it, so I had to include it! Rocky was one of our pilots, but he since moved back to the States.
A view of the screws. Again, the coral is starting to take over the wreck,

Nearby Attractions:

From: Gugeegue LCM
AttractionDistance (feet)Bearing (deg mag)
Gugeegue Rubble #1 485 195
Taiyo Maru No. 2 625 339

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This page has been accessed 17 times.

Created by Dave Fortin

Sun Jan 19 13:52:52 UTC 2025