Parker/Long LCM

Local Name:

Parker/Long LCM


This wrecks is on the slope. The stern is at about 60 feet and the bow is down around 85 feet.


I would recommend anchoring up in the shallow water near the pier, take a GPS bearing to the wreck, and swim out to it.


Latitude Longitude
Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds
8 44 57.000 167 41 21.240
8 44.95000 --------- 167 41.35400 ---------
8.74916 --------- --------- 167.68923 --------- ---------


Hal Parker told me of this wreck. I believe that he found it with Ernie Lond; hence the name.

There was a large nurse shark inside the wreck when we founf it!

The front ramp appears to be missing. The engines were still in the wreck.


No Photos available at this time. Please check back later.

Nearby Attractions:

From: Parker/Long LCM
AttractionDistance (feet)Bearing (deg mag)
Carlson North Pier Pair 522 247
Carlson South Pier Wreck 430 231

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This page has been accessed 6 times.

Created by Dave Fortin

Sun Jan 19 13:58:28 UTC 2025